Welcome to Rise & Shine Ministries! At First CRC we want the children and youth to have a deep rooted confidence in the character of God so they can passionately follow him as they grow in their faith. At Rise & Shine we partner with parents in the discipleship of their children by providing environments, curriculum, and resources that centre on God's Word and teach the nature and character of God.
We have a variety of ministries for your children and youth based on their age. Check out the programs below for more information.
For more information on our Rise & Shine Programs
Children's Ministries Coordinator email
Church Office, Office Administrator Connect with the office

Rise and Shine Early Risers is our Sunday morning nursery program for kids from infancy to age two. Set in a playful, safe environment, your early risers will be cared for by a group of responsible and trustworthy Christians who love spending time with your little one.

Shine Kids Jr. is our Sunday morning worship program for three and four-year old’s who come together large group worship time, and then gather in their own room to learn about biblical stories.

Shine Kids is our Sunday morning worship program for kids in SK to Grade 5. Through fun video clips, praise songs, interactive games, and prayer time, student interact with an amazing group of leaders to learn about God and their place in the biblical story.

Shine On is our program for church education where students in grades 6-12 and their teachers explore how the Bible and the historic creeds and confessions of our church equip us all to live as Christians in the world today.

Rise Junior High is our program for grades 6, 7 and 8. Meetings are bi-weekly. At Rise Jr High, we gather for worship, studying God's Word, serving others, talking in small groups and games.

Our Rise Senior High students are those in grades 9-12, and meet on Thursday nights. It is a place where high school students come together and talk about things that are relevant in their lives and grow through worship, serving others and learning through God’s Word.

Rise and Shine GEMS Club is for girls in grade three to eight on Tuesday nights. Our GEMs nights are jammed packed with the opportunity to study the Bible, make new friends, be creative with crafts, and learn what it means to live a faithful life for Christ.

Cadets is for boys in grades three to eight and takes place on Tuesday nights at Unity Christian High School. Cadets is a Christian Reformed Church program where boys are taught to develop woodworking, outdoors and practical life skills in a life for Jesus.

Annual Summer Children's Program
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
A week long morning summer camp held during a week in July for children JK up to Grade 6 in the church and surrounding community to come to know and experience God, through an environment where children come to learn about Jesus through skits and stories while doing fun activities. We create a safe and loving environment where parents feel their children are secure and happy. Parents and families are invited to a VBS Sunday worship service wrap up in our church sanctuary.
Time: July (1st or 2nd week) Location: At the church. Contact: Contact the church office for details.